"Maternity leave:” A special time to welcome new family members

Views : 1588 | 07 Oct 2021

Caring for your child at birth requires close attention, thus “maternity leave” is an important time for mothers.


  Chiang Mai University offers mothers 90-day maternity leave with full pay without the necessity of a medical certificate. The leave will start on the day of birth, or before or after the date of giving birth, but must not exceed 90 days.


    Mothers who are allowed to take maternity leave and have stopped working, but did not give birth as scheduled, may request to cancel their leave, and their days off would be considered as normal “personal/business.”


   Furthermore, if the mother wants to extend their leave, they may extend it for up to 30 working days but will not receive their salary during this extra leave.


  Raising a child is strenuous, even with the help of a father. In recognition of this fathers can take leave and help their partner for no more than 15 consecutive days while continuing to receive their salary at the normal rate. In order to ask for paternal leave, the father must be legally married to his wife and be prepared to come into the office in case of urgent work.

Chiang Mai University. 239 Huay Kaew Road. Muang District. Chiang Mai. Thailand. 50200

Phone : +66 5394 1300
Fax : +66 5321 7143
